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**This Saturday** Cookies & Milk with Santa

Laura Reynolds

Quick Bio: 🌳Faith/Nature 💞Family 👯‍♀️Friends -🎶Music 🏡Real Estate 📚Reading 🌈Creating 👷🏼‍♀️Hiking/Walking/Spelun...

Quick Bio: 🌳Faith/Nature 💞Family 👯‍♀️Friends -🎶Music 🏡Real Estate 📚Reading 🌈Creating 👷🏼‍♀️Hiking/Walking/Spelun...

Jan 29 2 minutes read

It's almost here, and almost time for our first community event. It's going to be fantastic!

Join us Saturday, December 17th from 11am - 1pm for Cookies and Milk with Santa! Brought to you by and sponsored by the Las Cruces Real Estate team. 

Las Cruces Real Estate
425 S. Telshor Blvd
Suite B-1
Las Cruces, NM  88011

(Next door to Dona Ana Title)

Kids will get to meet Santa, get their picture taken, and give him their last-minute Christmas lists, which they can drop off in the North Pole Express mail box!

This event is totally FREE, but we are strongly encouraging families to bring a toy to donate to Toys for Tots.

Here is what the event will include:

-Christmas letter writing station for last minute wishlists to give to Santa

-Treat station with cookies and milk, hot cocoa, and coffee for parents

-Free picture with Santa for kids

-Link to download pictures from Dropbox

-Toys for Tots bin for toy donations

As always, this is a Thank You event for our community. 

IMPORTANT: Please take a moment to register one ticket per child and one ticket per parent on Eventbrite so we can get a head count for supplies: Click Here! 

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